How do I create a Class?
To get started, click the Classes menu item, then click Create a Class button.
- In the Name box, type the name for your class.
- In the Category box, choose a training category for the class
- In the Visibility box, choose Published if you are ready for the class to be visible to your personnel, otherwise, choose Draft.
- If the class relates to a specific requirement that already exists in Rescue Hub, choose the requirement in Related Requirements box. Otherwise, you can just leave this blank.
- If your class will be shared with neighboring departments that also use Rescue Hub, you can choose an option under Share With.
- If your class needs to be restricted so that only certain personnel can view it, choose a group in the Restrict Access to Group(s) box. Otherwise, you can leave this blank.
- In the Description box, type a short description of the class you are creating.
These fields can always be changed later.
- Click Next...
The training material for each Class is organized into one or more topics. In this example, we will have three topics for Ventilation Review: Horizontal, Vertical, and PPV. The first topic we will add is Horizontal Ventilation.
- Click the Add a Topic button
- Provide a title and/or description for the topic
You can add introductory text in the Description box. Click Create when finished.
To add one or more files, click the Upload Files link. Files can be dragged and dropped into the box.
Files of any kind can be added to a Class. If you upload a video, our site will host the video, and convert it into a format that can be viewed on any device.
To add a link to another web page, click Add a Link
You can copy and paste the link to another web page in the URL box.
- Add a Title and click the Create button.
To re-arrange the topics within a Class, use the three dots icon in the upper right corner of the topic. The order of topics within your Class can be rearranged by dragging-and-dropping a topic to a different location within the Class.
Each Class can also have a quiz, click the Add a Quiz button at the top of the screen to add a quiz.
For more details on adding a quiz, you can read our Help document on Adding a Quiz to a Class.
Once you are ready for your class to be used, you'll need to change the visibility from Draft to Published.
At the top of the page, click the Edit button:
Change the Visibility from Draft to Published.
Click the Update button.