How do I assign a Task to a group of people?

To assign a Task:

  • click the Tasks menu, then choose All Tasks
  • click New Task

If your Task fulfills a Requirement, choose it from the list, otherwise choose No.

  • Category: choose the training category for this task. If this task fulfills a requirement, the requirement's category will be filled in automatically
  • Topic: Short description of the Task. If this task fulfills a requirement, the name of the requirement will be the default value of the task. To change this, click the Edit link.
  • Due Date: Date the Task should be completed by
  • Method: List of training methods (Demonstration, Self-Study, etc.)
  • Contact Hours: number of hours of training credit an individual will get credit for when the task is complete. 
  • Manual Entry: when checked, the individual and/or an officer provides the hours at the time the task is completed.
  • Class: the related Class (if any)

  • Assigned Staff: choose one or more Groups or staff members 
  • Meets Requirements: choose the requirements that this task fulfills (if any)

A Staff Member completes this task by: 

  • self-certifying that they have completed the task: The staff member will be able to "check a box" that says they have completed the assigned task
  • taking a quiz: the task will be completed when the staff member takes a quiz and receives a passing grade. 

Task is considered complete when:

  • the staff member self-certifies / takes the quiz: this will automatically mark the task as completed when the staff member checks the box that says they have completed the task, or when they complete the related quiz with a passing grade. Most of the time, you'll want to choose this option.
  • an administrator verifies the task was completed: the task will not be marked as complete until a site administrator (typically a training officer / chief / admin) manually reviews the task and mark the staff member as "complete" on this task. 

Attach a File

Rescue Hub has the ability to allow / require a staff member to upload a file when they mark a task as complete. This is most often used when skill sheets or task evaluations are also collected as a part of the assigned training. This feature can be used when you choose Self Certify as the method for completing the task.

  • Disabled: Don't use this feature with this task
  • Optional: Allow the staff member to upload a file when they self-certify their completion of the task. 
  • Required: Staff member must upload a file to complete the task

Rescue Hub has a review screen that can be used to quickly verify and approve/reject documents uploaded to a task.

Task Completed By

Rescue Hub can restrict who may self-certify that a task has been completed. For some training, you may want each person to do this on their own. In other cases, you may want only a company officer to certify that their crew members have completed a task. 

Company officers can complete a task for their crew members by using a Roster My Crew button, located on the My Assigned Training page. 

The Description box can be used to add additional detail. You can add text, links to other websites, as well as attach files using this box.

To attach a file or video, you can drag-and-drop the file into the Description box, or click the paperclip icon in the toolbar. The paperclip icon can also be used to attach a video or image from a mobile device or tablet.

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